Marijuana Strain Category: HybridMarijuana Strain Tags: hybrid and Marijuana strains
A high-CBD hybrid known as Harle-Tsu was first grown in Northern California by breeders at the Southern Humboldt Seed Collective, also known as SoHum Seeds. The strain is a hybrid of a Sour Tsunami clone and a Harlequin male.
The strain is high in the terpenes myrcene and humulene and frequently tests at 13–18% total CBD content and less than 1% THC, according to Phylos Bioscience’s 2016 testing. At the 2014 Emerald Cup, the strain took first place for best CBD flower. The event’s organizers tested Harle-Tsu in a lab, and the results showed 21.05% CBD and 0.86% THC.
During the vegetative phase, the strain exhibits growth traits resembling those of an indica. Harle-Tsu is a short, stout, and bushy strain that grows a medium-yielding plant with low THC flowers and can be cultivated in a variety of environments. The plant begins low and branchy, grows substantial foliage, and eventually develops branches that reach the sky.
The full maturation of the buds occurs when plants are grown outdoors around late September in the Northern Hemisphere or late March in the Southern Hemisphere, while indoor plants take about 56 days to reach their floral peak.