Marijuana Strain Category: Indica
Marijuana Strain Category: IndicaMarijuana Strain Tags: Indica and Marijuana strains
Pakistani Chitral Kush, also known as PCK, was created by Cannabiogen from a landrace strain discovered in Pakistan’s Chitral region.
Pine, hops, and earth are the most frequently mentioned aromas of the Pakistani Chitral Kush strain. It is rumored to taste comparable.
Pakistani Chitral Kush is a landrace indica strain that is resistant to the majority of pests and environmental challenges. When exposed to cooler evening temperatures, the cultivar develops vibrant cherry and forest-green coloring, with purple undertones emerging. Chitral Kush from Pakistan blooms indoors in 49–56 days and outdoors in late September.
Chitral Kush from Pakistan is only sold as seeds. Clones might be purchased directly from growers of this strain.