Yeager, also known by the spellings Jager and Yager as Jaegar, is a strain with enigmatic genetics and even enigmatic origins. Online sources hypothesize that it is either a phenotype of Hindu Kush or a hybrid of Blue Dream and LA Kush.
German for “hunter” is yager (or Jäger). Additionally, it is the name of a well-known German dark liqueur. Yeager has a similar musty sweetness to it, and according to the majority of online sources, its typical THC content is less than 20%.
Yeager is reputed to grow easily for inexperienced growers due to its mold resistance. It does well in both indoor and outdoor gardens and prefers a semi-humid, Mediterranean climate. To produce Yeager’s distinctive purple coloring, knowledgeable growers should expose the plants to cooler temperatures in the later stages of their growth cycle.