CheeseWreck, also known as El Queso, is a Cheese and Trainwreck cross that was created in the Netherlands and has a sativa-leaning genetic makeup. This hybrid was created by breeder Seedism Seeds by fusing two powerful and well-liked strains.
The CheeseWreck strain’s most popular reported aromas are sour, fruity, and pungent. It is also said to have a fruity, earthy, and woody flavor.
CheeseWreck is a sativa-dominant strain that’s a cross between Cheese and Trainwreck. CheeseWreck produces short plants with thick leaves in spite of its sativa heritage. CheeseWreck has an average flowering time between 63 and 70 days and is known to produce high yields in ideal conditions. The CheeseWreck strain is best grown outdoors.
CheeseWreck is available as seeds.